For Film and TV Rights: Please contact Info@Pauladombrowiak.com

About Me
I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, right on beautiful Lake Michigan. The Chicago lakeshore is my favorite place in the whole world. I currently live in Arizona. I'm a '90s girl but love discovering new bands, just as much as I love writing. So why not combine the two? That was how Blood and Bone, my debut novel, was born.
I am a sucker for a redeemable villain, bad boys, and the tragically flawed. My wardrobe consists of band T-shirts and leggings that are perpetually covered in pet hair. Animals are my homies and I don't eat my homies.
Music inspires my storytelling.
Paula's Rock Stars Reader Group
Have you ever wanted to be a rock star? Well now you can. Join my Facebook reader group where you'll hear about new releases from me and some of my author friends, as well as fun giveaways. My reader group is a safe space and I encourage readers to post discussions and questions about my books.